Balado cassava chips durian flavor

This afternoon as I usually try to find inspiration for an article turned out pretty well too late, instead of browsing here and there I finally took a minute break to watch a broadcast on one local tv. I saw a show where the program is showing a lot of things about home industries that produce various kinds of snacks, one of which is Balado cassava chips taste durian. Balado cassava chips durian taste, very easy to produce and have a good market opportunity.

if only Balado cassava chips durian flavor can be packed in a modern and with a strong marketing management and assisted with good promotions, I think this kind of snack can penetrate foreign markets. Balado cassava chips durian taste is very special because it contains no chemicals or preservatives and it tastes very crisp and hygienic.

there are no significant constraints in marketing this product. because with a little hard work success will be achieved. (I dedicate this article specifically to the innovators who work hard in innovating)

about google adsense #2

this time I try to register again on google adsense, was successful after a long time on hold. I was trying to get into my blog and was already there are 2 links ads, finally ... I also continue to dig deeper with adsense for feeds and it worked, I continued to go back to my blog and tooling work a little more and go back to monetize settings oops I was kicked from google adsense. still a question in my mind but I will still try again tomorrow ..... ! Readmore...

about google adsense

The first time I met google adsense directly interested to try it, after browsing most of the direct places I ventured to the capital risked to register in google adsense account.

for the first time I failed to get the account, the second time I had failed again as well as for a third and fourth, until I post this writing, I am still in a state which fails to get an account. but I will continue to try to get the account, just must be! Readmore...